Friday 14 September 2012

Ayma Village Unit : Last month

The volunteers of Ayma Village Unit (Unit 10) gives service to students of one Govt. High School for backward community. This has received lots of appreciation from school teachers and guardians. Each section of the school on every Saturday is addressed by NSS volunteers from 2nd period to the end of the school. There is cooperation from all concerned. Our IIT students focus mostly on English, Math, Science. 

Last month the unit organized a test to determine the proficiency of the students of the school, from class V to class XII in four components of English - reading, writing, listening and speaking. The analysis of the test results gave the group a very good idea about the way forward, and how they could best help the school children. The month also went into preparation for a cultural program cum academic  competition (elocution, quiz etc.) being arranged by the NSS volunteers in the school premise. The NSS volunteers rehearsed on a skit that they are going to present in the said function. 

On the occasion of Tulsi Jayanti celebration of this school, NSS family was invited. Students and teacher of the school came to meet us and to give the invitation card. It was very touching. The function was held on a Wednesday when NSS volunteers had academic engagement in IIT. The Program Officer of the unit and Program Coordinator participated in the function. They were given Sri Ramcharitmanas of Sant Tulsidas as present by the Headmaster of the school. It was found that the effort of the NSS volunteers have made deep impact and created a strong bonding with the community.  

This unit along with other units, enthusiastically participated in Independence Day function (Link). 

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